Living Awesomely Abundant
A 6-week Class to Jumpstart Your Passion & Adventure 

Pssssst...Hey, you! Come closer.

I’m looking to form a group of Optimists, Adventurers, Visionaries, Dreamers, Unsung Heroes, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Everyday Heart-Centered People to join positive forces in living a life with the volume turned up.

I know you GET that life is more than folding laundry, watching Netflix, grocery shopping, and earning a paycheck.

The truth is that the negative vortex of complaining, drama, freaking out, worrying, and exhaustion can sweep you up faster than you can pour yourself a cup of curiosity, which is WHY we ALL need reminders and support to step outside of the monotony of the day-to-day to dream bigger and expect more.

Sure. There are naysayers, including our inner critical voices and social influencers, who tell you to be logical, be practical, be better, be careful, and even not to expect too much. There are still remnants of those whispers of doubt that say you can’t, you won’t, and you don’t have what it takes to have the life of your dreams.

 But you know you're meant for more.

That's why I’m sending this inviting you to engage in changing your thoughts to embrace YOUR Infinite Possibilities.

Want in?

Check out the list below. See if any of these make you nod your head and say “Yes!” (or for the more enthusiastic, fist pump the air).

Do you have the desire to...

💥 put your feet on the floor every morning with genuine excitement about what the day holds for you
💥 get unstuck from repeating the same self-sabotaging habits and telling the same old story
💥 create change in some area of your life
💥 feel more present and be able to roll with (and even enjoy) life’s wild ride
💥 bring your work, project, voice, and impact to an audience or community
💥 infuse your week with positivity, inspiration, and like-minded people instead of monotony, drama, and toxic influences
💥 shed the winter coat of inadequacy that keeps you bundled up in the fear of not being good enough
💥 worry less and play more often
💥 connect to and embody more purpose and passion
💥 feel like doing cartwheels and yelling, “I love my life”

Sound Good? Keep reading.

For years I said that my journey to financial freedom started due to a random comment about teachers not having money. Then, I realized it was because that random comment came within the same week I discovered I had been defrauded by someone I trusted.

And, that's all true.

Also, true is that my journey to financial freedom was about so much more than finances. It was my journey to find myself again.

See, I'm a recovering people-pleaser. Somewhere along the line, I went from being a magical child and a big dreamer to being a compliant child and an excellent student. I got good grades. I went to a good college and I worked in a noble profession. And I waited for my happily ever after to arrive because I was certain it would.  I mean had done everything right, hadn't I?

But one day I woke up -- miserable. I was empty and devoid of passion because I had put all my dreams away. I carried around a ton of guilt and shame.  And, that was the hardest. Who was I to be secretly unhappy when there were starving children in the world, in my classroom, people who were truly suffering.  

I thought I was just broken so I hid in my prison of obligations and work – having forgotten and lost the courageous fun-loving magical believer that I once was. I no longer had dreams. I had settled for unfulfilled. A big part of me had lost hope.  

I was terrified that what you'd find out was the secret that I tried so hard to cover up, this dark secret, the belief that I wore like a heavy winter coat, the belief that said I just wasn’t good enough.  

Suppressing my passions, my dreams, and my voice led to health issues. I went from coughing after meals to clinching my jaw, cracking my teeth, and even developing an autoimmune disorder.  

At times I felt very stuck, disconnected, and discouraged when it came to seeing or believing in bigger possibilities. I had a lot of doubt and fear when it came to my own abilities -- thanks to the very critical voice I carried around in my head.

Then I was introduced to the idea that thoughts become things through a simple email from Mike Dooley.

Back then I didn't believe I would do or be anything outside of what I was at the time – a perpetually poor, broke high school teacher, but when I started understanding and using the tools I learned everything started to change.  

I went from being the proverbial perpetually poor, broke teacher to having a net worth that anyone would consider rich.

I also danced on stage again. And, I began to travel regularly. I’ve been to 9 different countries, some even twice in recent years. I earned a doctorate. I’ve completed over a dozen marathons and raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities. I’ve written a book and shorter ebooks. I’ve spoken on stages, in other people groups, and on podcasts. And, I know I've inspired thousands of people through being a public school teacher and beyond.

 The dreams I had in my heart -- the ones that I thought were just for other people, special people -- became real for me. And, I want to share that with you.

In this 6-session course, you’ll learn, discover, and receive:

How to easily change negative beliefs into positive ones
Your thoughts create your reality
To quickly shift your emotional state without suppressing your emotions
How taking the smallest action can lead to big things
To live your dreams
To follow your hunches and instincts
That the universe is truly magical
You have the power to change the things you don't like in your life
Understanding of how life really works
How beautiful and powerful you are
The changes you seek are easier to bring about than you expected
Expect the unexpected
To move from surviving to thriving with ease
A life filled with joy and happiness

i want to own my power!

BONUS: the first five people who sign up will receive a one-to-one coaching session with me to use any time during the course.  

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