19 Trillion Dollars

There's over 19 Trillion US dollars - yes, 19 with a T - out there - in cookie jars, under mattresses, in sock drawers. Do you have yours?

Did you know there’s $20 TRILLION U.S. DOLLARS out there? 


That includes …


Money stashed away in cookie jars, mattresses, and “rathole money” (as my Daddy used to call it),


Money outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve banks and the vaults of depository institutions


Deposits at commercial banks, the Federal Reserve, and other deposits


And, with fewer than 332 Million people in the U.S. (according to the 2020 Census)


Based on the breakdown of where the money is kept, there’s enough in homes for everyone in the U.S. to have $17,454 in cash on them (in cookie jars, mattresses, and “rathole money”).


Yet, I used to believe that there wasn’t enough money for everyone.


Based on today’s national minimum wage, there’s a ton of people who don’t earn $17,000 in a year. SHOCKING!


I used to believe money was for other people. For a select few.


Certainly, not for people like me - a public service employee.


I even used to walk around saying …

  • There’s too many people for us all to be rich
  • There’s not enough for everyone
  • I want to help people, so I’ll never get rich. 
  • Only mean and nasty people would rather be rich than help others

Can you imagine thinking this way day in and day out? 


Now, as a Money Magic Mentor, I realize …


I wasn’t broke because I was a teacher, a public service employee. 


I was broke because I had broken thinking. 


I know. You’re thinking, but Beverly, teachers don’t make money. 


Let me ask you ... 


Is that absolutely TRUE 100% of the time? 


It’s a serious question. 


If you can think of even one teacher who has made money then lean in for this reality shifting belief…… 


Ready for it? 


When you see it’s possible for one …


You know it’s possible for you, too. 


You were born to be abundant. I was born to be abundant. We were all born to be abundant.


Yet, most of us bought into the lie that we have suffer and struggle to make ends meet


That we have to work hard for years to receive a small token so we can retire and live on social security.


I said NO! to that belief.


Are you ready to embrace the hidden money right in front of you


To live a life you love


To embrace your share of the 20 TRILLION U.S. DOLLARS in circulation around the world?


Believe me, I’ve been there. 


I was a career public school teacher. 


Everyone told me I didn’t get paid enough. 

  • Every administrator.
  • Friends, family, students
  • Even complete strangers would say, Oh, you’re a teacher. Wow. You people don’t get paid enough. 

One day I asked, who does believe they get paid ENOUGH? Who thinks they earn MORE money than they’re worth so they turn it down?


I realized, there IS plenty of money out there and I was born to be abundant.


My life began to change almost immediately. 


It was slow at first. A discount at the drugstore. A quarter next to the snack machine.


I kept making internal changes. Steady wins the race, right?


The external changed without any extra effort from me.


Then larger amounts of unexpected money came to me. In unexpected ways.


A new and better savings opportunity from the company I already used. 


My savings doubled within the first year. 


An end of the year contract with a pay raise that was retro for the whole school year. With a larger pay raise than we had ever received. Totally didn’t see that one coming.


My clients have also had similar results.

  • Sudden windfalls of cash. 
  • New clients.
  • Complimentary meals.
  • New jobs when they weren’t looking. 
  • Unexpected promotions and pay raises.
  • Even improved relationships.

I want you to feel good about grabbing more of that $20 trillion.


I want you to live a life you love. 


I want you to feel the freedom that comes with not worrying about money or your future.


I want you to not only know about abundance beliefs. I want you to see the evidence and know that you were born to be abundant.


I want you to know it deep down


To your core


All the way down to your toes


So that you stop taking two steps backward after every one step forward.


That’s why I use simple exercises. Designed to cut the overwhelm from your life.


Public service employees CAN make money. I know it because I did. 


And, if I can do it, then you can too. 


Would you like to take the first step toward financial security and freedom? Hit reply.  Let’s do a complimentary 30-minute Money Mindset Magic Mini-Session where I’ll show you where to find $100  hiding right in front. You can start increasing your bank account this week!

Have a magically abundant day,

Dr. Beverly Wixon

Money Mindset Magic Mentor