Discussions about money often lead to disagreements and even arguments. It's difficult to talk about money, yet money is something we all have in common. 

If you believe you deserve abundance, yet aren't attracting it regularly with ease and grace, then you're in the right place. It's time to make some changes to your money mindset.

What's money mindset? A fancy way of saying the way you think about money, abundance, rich people, and even wealth itself.



Forgiveness is for the forgiver, not the forgiven. Forgiving is not condoning. Forgiveness sets you free. Forgiveness brings abundance.


I love choosing a Word of the Year. Sure beats the old style New Year's Resolutions, at least for me. Interesting how long it takes to kick ...


Your money, at least what you have daily, tends to live in your wallet or purse, so it's important to make that a space your money enjoys ...


Here's what I believe about money and abundance.


I always had a number in mind -- an amount of money -- I wanted in the bank so I'd feel RICH. What's your magic money number?


There's over 19 Trillion US dollars - yes, 19 with a T - out there - in cookie jars, under mattresses, in sock drawers. Do you have yours?

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