I always had a number in mind -- an amount of money -- I wanted in the bank so I'd feel RICH. What's your magic money number?
You probably know that I’m a former middle and high school English teacher. I loved being in my classroom with "my kids" but I wasn't so crazy about a lot of other aspects of teaching, so I was set on NOT teaching forever.
I started building my retirement plan about 6 years into my career, so I thought I would be set to retire when I was ready.
I checked my numbers periodically, but it didn't really dawn on me until year 25 when I realized I was not anywhere near my self-defined magic number. The amount I had always said I needed to retire.
Seriously, I had about 25% of what I wanted and had expected. After nearly 20 years!
So, after lots of tears, I sat down and did lots of affirmations for positive thinking. Then, I called my financial planner the next day and insisted on an appointment THAT WEEK.
I continued the affirmations and added in several manifesting techniques I knew. I threw everything I knew about manifesting and praying at it.
My financial planner told me about a brand new program with a lot more interest than the ones I was in. We changed everything immediately. And, he told me I needed to plan on another 8 years. I did not want that, but I said maybe 6 more years, which was 1 more than I had planned on.
I then started working on changing my thinking and my language about money and people who had lots of money as well as the way I treated money.
Six years later, I hit that magic number and was ready to retire.
Sometimes when I think about it, I still find it amazing. It wasn't magic, but, in retrospect, it sure seems like it.
And, that’s a little of what I teach in my Money Mindset programs.
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